Posts Tagged ‘NEWS?’


June 23, 2014

The ‘title’ could have been “AZURE Liked IT” but, the (hopeful) openness of posting something that an OLDER ADULT would “comprehend” changed it. As time has placed its many “rings” around the eyes I’ve had the constant ‘PAN-ISH’ “insta-urge” toward Females become more of an appreciation of what they represent, rather than what they may “feel” like. The passage of  ‘attempted parenthood’ and coming to notice that most are just pretty containers of my own genetically matched poison. Thus the truer title…


The strength

of Passion’s memory

the vagueness

of each “cause”

the “pride’

of its ‘durations’

be it tears

or gasp’s applause


‘Tis youth

that seeks to “conquer”

the gates of ‘damp’ success

in “AGE”

the zeal’s gone hunkered

athletics gone duress


But replay

brings back “feeling”

to parts

thought “gone to seed”

the mind

wants parts past willing

the parts

remind “NO NEED”

… your tail IS DONE

April 26, 2014




( *


POLITICS: (… “meaning “of, for, or relating to citizens”) is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level.”

POLY-TICKS: (“Omegetymon”)…

Poly= MANY/ (

TICK: a.) ( B.) (

SEE.) A ‘GROUP’ of AMBUSH “hunting”, DISEASE transmitting Insects that are selected every TWO , or FOUR, Years to render “good JUDGEMENTS” for the CITIZENRY that they REPRESENT. ( Not to REPREHEND.)

As we are getting more “business” types into the TWO houses of representation the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on FINANCING,,

IS looking like a “FRATERNAL” FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY. All “they” have to do is “show” their district’s SHEEP’S SKINS. And, the path ahead is “looking” like there’s going to be A LOT of SNAKE OIL to be distributed NATIONWIDE.

And, here’s a GREAT IDEA:





the story starts so easy
the innocence sincere
but most folk didn’t gander
great handshake leading lear

like hiding under ‘bridges’
have Snow White as her “prince”
though HOW you got to where you are
is making colleagues wince

’tis time for new selections
of who makes rules where from
once “upright” reversed reflection
brother Grimm your tail IS DONE

… that’s called HELL

April 1, 2014

I MUST lead in by this avenue. I’ve written about the VARIOUS trials of being an individual with a “smidgen” of imagination, a lifetime of blessed for having a permanent tan and the CONTINUING ‘struggle’ of  residing within a “community” that considers its “type” of “dominance ” to warrant ANY style of historical abuse it CAN get away with.

Couple this to the above scenarios being reported TO the “highest” entity possible, seeking assistances to the ridding, or at least a recognition, warning and, LAW-FILLED recompence  DUE for the nefarious renderings. Living in a micro-geologically stunted zone of folk that participated in a few of the the American-Antebellum Atrocities of the mid(-to-‘continued’) through late TWENTIETH Century. Little Aluminum boxes arranged to give comradeship to folk that “are waiting”. Toss in ‘one’ younger adherent to ‘the old ways’ and, there IS that renewed zeal, familiar… only in need of an old, familiar target. I’ve seen some nice “Sugar-Bowls” in my travels. But, to have ” settled” amongst the “grand-ewe-awls” is making me fully aware of Emmitt’s last month.

I have been addressed as:

1.)Billie Thomas, who’s stage moniker was that of a dark-grain cereal.

2.) Arnold’s last two-quarters of his last name, with the substitution of a vowel.

3.) Associated in the fathering, (“Illegitimate, OF COURSE!), of a child that WOULD have been an ELEPHANT by way of the gestation period… WITH a 58 year old Woman related to the NEIGHBOR-HOOD gossip MONGER.

EVEN as THIS NATION has ALLOWED for one NOT as GEORGE BALANCHINE “requested” of the view of his Ballerinas… “ that a ballerina’s skin should be the color of a peeled apple”… to “lead” the underlying thoughts of wrong continue. And, do so EVEN WITH the test prez.

I wrote, probably for the last time, Our President. At the following of what was delivered is a “bit”, ( a tool for controlling a ruminid.), to the Hominids I live within the vicinity of.


SIR, I believe that I AM making the LAST request for assistance that YOU may HAVE a “HOPE” in. Your Daughters have GROWN into Womanhood, as I HAVE, (AS TOO MANY OTHERS.), been left to LANGUISH during my MOST PRODUCTIVE MENTAL time. Is there a wonder as to why the economy IS a sore polyp, without the padding of SOMETHING in the WALLET to “take the pressure off”?
The time is almost “up” and, you’ll leave to a nice sunset… while the rest of us /U.S. have THE PROMISES, without the FRUITIONS.
The letter “will” make a nice coaster, equal to the job of the subordinates “helping” you at this moment. The INACTION of the agencies that ARE to protect THE CITIZENRY have been shown to be as crass as the C.E.O.s of GM and TARGET. There is NO-ONE to PROTECT, let alone SERVE “for the COMMON GOOD. I asked for help and, got a “nice” ocher envelope with vague recognitions of DASTARDLY actions ‘perpe-traitored’ by those who hold THEIR rights as “higher” than those THAT SERVE for the GREATER GOOD.
As close as you tell the world of your “knowledge” of “embibements” you’ve lost the view somewhere from Pennsylvania Ave.
The world has NO NEED of a “PROTECTOR’S” blusters, that cannot save his own village.
Sincerely (QUITE!),
D’Ellis R. McCammon
(This is NOT how “the Irish” treat one another.) NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. As WE are seeing that “Hope” left for vacation six years ago.This note IS the saddest moment I have had to initialize in a very long time.I DON’T “expect” anything from this point on. 04/01/2014
this is an antagonym of the date.
Thank You!

Thank you for contacting the White House.

President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible Administration in history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the American people, through our website.


TO: The MONGERS of Scarlett Manor


the destination when have left shell

self designation KNOWN all too well

lost consecration by ego’s swell

hate’s coronation leaves lifetime smells

lies instigation false blames to tell

quote’s gestations so hard to quell

wrong’s appellation IS that your BELL

heat’s sequestration yes that’s called HELL


December 21, 2013

As we come to the end of a year that MANY in this country and, SOME around the world, see as a disapproval of President Barack H. Obama’s leadership of this Nation it is GLARINGLY interesting that TOO MANY have failed THEIR “JOB” in making “A” Leader’s chosen objectives ‘FAILURES’. Mr. Obama DIDN’T  “PROGRAM” the Health-Care Computers’ intricate duties. Nor does any presiding person of ANY entity that encompasses the assorted bits called HUMANITY. An “old” term of early computing is “GIGO”, GARBAGE IN-GARBAGE OUT… just what IS transpiring daily. We have elected officials that call for the continuances of drug sentencing laws that [THEY] refuse to obey. The elected consistently vote themselves PAY RAISES while [REFUSING] to concede a [“LIVING WAGE“] to those they ask for ELECTIONS DONATIONS on their TAX FORMS.

The term [“TRICKLE DOWN”] HAS been FILTERED of its original “INTENT”. The ability of “the GOOD” to access those MANY of need has been ‘SPONSORED” away by the [PAVLOVIAN] [“ REWARDS SYSTEMS“]. “Mom and POP” establishments are [NOW] boarded “up”. And, with that the familiarity of “NEIGHBOR-HOOD” is the “GLOBAL VILLAGE” of distrust, UNFAMILIARITY and general [ OBTUSE-NESSES] that make for “living” in a very dangerous state.

If “we” continue to allow the [“HALLOWEEN COSTUMED”], ( Addams Family Values, Wednesday: “This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac; they look just like everyone else.”), to “set the example” of “uprightness” the “CULTURE” described upon the base of [‘ LIBERTY ‘] is one of the other [“GREATEST LIES EVER TOLD…”].

… far too many’s “SHIPS”

December 15, 2013

[JUST IN CASE] you haven’t noticed, that the “World” that held such promise in YOUR youth, that “SOMETHING” isn’t quite right.


what fun these smoke and mirrors
the fears dreamed of for “fact”
as business schemes get clearer
less jobs “Sam’s” dream to lack

we’re told that things are failing
while ceilings funds grow weight
electeds worths derailing
LIBERTUS the work of Saints

but the carrots just get bigger
causing trots to THEY know where
best and brightest say “GO FIGGER”
sup with Lions in THEIR LAIR

fade the “Greatest Generation”
trade their industies for SLACK
brush the wool slow ruminations
‘cept for funds don’t want no black

there’s no cake when there’s no “sugar”
there’s no fruit through “winter’s” grip
an economy close to full rigor
laws torpedo far too many’s SHIPS

++++++++++++Just a gathering of data:

[Your “IP” makes more money than just ads.]







Just simple folk

they take for joke

until the when

to ballot bend

though few know

that one percent throw

the bones they fetch

on YOU they wretch

Dear Mister PRESIDENT…

December 3, 2013

…As time IS [RUNNING OUT] for MANY in this [WORLD] are finding [UNSUBSTANTIATED] ‘FAITH’ in the PROMISE of a FULLER LIFE.

For OVER [SIX YEARS] there HAS been, (AND, TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE !!!), an INNOVATIVE TOOL that WILL HELP your CAUSE of “SEEING that EVERYONE in this NATION are ABLE to OBTAIN the BEST POSSIBLE HEALTH-CARE that “WILL” be AVAILABLE”. This PLEDGE is being GARBLED by the INSTITUTIONAL BLINDNESS(ES) contracted by GREED. As a MAN that HAS the heritage of the TRUEST SENSE of the MELTING POT must be able to gather MORE than “HIS” NEIGHBORHOOD “FRIENDS”. And, I say this as BEING such a “NEIGHBOR”, just residing in the “woods”  up stream.

Of the posts I’d written “to / about” before I made those a chip of a “tectonic plate”. Looking for a “shift” that would open the mantel of “GOOD” to allow the BUILDING of an ISLAND of HOPE through a tiny instrument of incrementation… A WATCH.

The set-backs and, “failures” YOU’VE been experiencing are far TOO SIMILAR to “WHAT” I have been attempting to tell YOU through these posts… IT ‘SUCKS’, DOESN’T IT!?! There’s not much more to say, the Watch is STILL not complete even though it’s “ROLL-OUT” is the cost of a bearing for an F-35.



+++++++++++++++update 12/04/2013

It’s a SAD thing when a post, ( Such as THE ABOVE.), is read then “LIKED”, WITHOUT a SINGLE button pusher taking the TIME to visit the MAIN PURPOSE of the GIST… The WATCH ! To reintroduce, then see the SAME CONCERTED APATHY remain as vibrantly absent is HEART-BREAKING. This post wasn’t to be “enjoyed”, it WAS a CALL from the “TOP” to the level of above it all by BEING A CONCERNED CITIZEN. But, AGAIN, the “top” SHOWS  the “average” person HOW to respond . IS it ANY wonder that “WE” have given “our” collective NOSTRILS TO A RUSTY LEAD?!?

Barring a Door From the OUTSIDE

November 9, 2013

To ‘HECK’ with hope! I’m gonna’ close “her” out by her own admissions.

DEAR Twdyen,

YOU stated that English WASN’T your ‘First Language’. But, the overt HATE you spoke was quite grammatically ‘correct’. I, on the other hand, COULD NOT give you justification to the POSIT of my COLOUR hating another AMERICAN just because their trek here started in ANOTHER COUNTRY. YOU haven’t learned what your NEW ‘HOME’ was BASED ONLIBERTY, as opposed to what ‘value’ you WERE DRILLED with: FREEDOM.

LIBERTY and FREEDOM are the “CAIN and ABEL” of societal definitions… FREEDOM equals the ability to “DO” ANYTHING “DESIRED”. LIBERTY is the same, except… WITH MORAL RESPONSIBILITY(-IES).






p.s. :  I  CARE* ABOUT ALL in this world. It”s just those times when there are those that drive me to not CARE “FOR” them.





… bringing me their HELL

November 9, 2013

I DO expect this to be the LAST of a disturbing insight from the previous post. Closing THIS GATE* is what has needed to be done a long time ago, but JUST KEEPS rearing its “pointy”, ( View Harry Nilsson’s [THE POINT].), microed head. ENOUGH has BEEN such, but those that are getting “in” are taking Wednesday Addams’ response of her not wearing a Halloween costume…

“This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac- they look just like everyone else.” … to what certain folk WANT.

To the “point”…

how sad that new ingredients
choose to meld with molds
harvested fresh to the “feeds”
too close that sickness grows

but, in excuse, the “lie” effused
the “docu- MENTAL” proofs
expectored speech upholds the “bleach”
while melting pots beseech

and, though so fresh is banter-dom
that PEE’s H D IS RIPE
a care-less walk to SALT good fields
[‘SUPERIOUS’],  feckless TRIPE

yet, on they go through Kristallnacht  show
their script they’ve learned too well
while I endure this Purgetor
bringing me their HELL*


October 27, 2013

[ ]

noun: subterfuge; plural noun: subterfuges

1. deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.
noun: subterfuge; plural noun: subterfuges1. deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.
synonyms:    trickery, intrigue, deviousness, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating, duplicity, guile, cunning, craftiness, chicanery, pretense, fraud, fraudulence
More “the use of subterfuge by journalists,”trick, hoax, ruse, wile, ploy, stratagem, artifice, dodge, bluff, pretense, deception, fraud,blind, smokescreen; informalcon, scam    “a disreputable subterfuge”.

This IS the SEASON of ALL HALLOWS EVE, “Sleepy Hollow” and the ‘Headless Horseman’ and all. The COLOUR “SCHEME” WAS Orange and BLACK… Orange= the harvested colour of a Pumpkin. Black= for the “space” filled with the spirits of the departed … NOT (!!) the visual ‘slander’, SOCIO-POLITICAL (O)OPINION so (UN)DEFTLY expectorated by  Julianne Hough. ( Who “DID” ‘PHWEET’ an “apology”, but NOT to ANYONE that would be old enough to actually KNOW [” WHAT (!!!?!!!)”  ] she has done. There’s NO excuse for this since a “similar”  occurrence happened to…
(I thought that the “reader” would appreciate the spacing to let the visual “nuances” paste themselves through the ocular region of their repulsion… Or laughter.) (See bottom of article.)

Such “progress” since Score, MINUS ONE sixty-four
‘overcome’, yeah for some “CARE’S” returned to POOR
“ROCK-the-VOTE” what a JOKE, they don’t know “what for”
educate, far TOO LATE, changeless ‘SHORE-TOO-SURE’

“APOLOGIZE”same great LIE “LIGHT” is, STILL, “what’s” right
there’s NO CHANCE to advance another type of “flight”
it’s the “MAN”, what a sham, a GOOD HEART’S out of sight
wonder why, “HAD” to spy, the “GREATEST” see the plight

After all Nations fall you just have to give them time
rulers fret, how to “GET”, remaining “TRUTH” sub-lime
CITY-ZEN none can spend, their ‘lected causing crime
not too long, WORLD-WIDE throngs are asking “AIN’T THAT MINE

“Restless ‘young’, just having “fun”, no matter who’s expense
not well taught, step “in” it CAUGHT, and now you’ve NO DEFENSE
iHate mass, the broken glass, fulfillments to make cents
where with “ALL”, a happy pall, these FAILURES ARE IMMENSE

The question IS… HOW could someone “IN the business of “entertainment” use such a “BIRTH of A ‘NATION'”  expression of STUPIDITY!!!?!!! The PROBLEM is that the STUDIOS looking to sign her ‘talent(s)’ should look at the duration of LOST potential revenue as they HAD with [ “COSMO KRAMER “]. Needless to say I “DO” have a couple of verses about my “feelings”, and historical WITNESS…

AND… TO… THINK… that  this IS but a SMALL EXAMPLE of the CHILDREN that “grew up” from the “parenting” excellence of the 60″s generation. ( Remember      [ ABBOT HOWARD HOFFMAN ] .)

If a crappe’-au-lait’ compostical is infanced through having one’s tresses caulk-ringed  into  Aphreaux POOPS, accented by a SIMONIZED, day-glo , Roosevault Island, Oinj frump-suit , then the stake-mint “made” is “RIGHT-ON”.

Dunkin' Donuts Thai advert

“GOD”… WORKED Too Hard For THIS !!!

October 18, 2013

[ To “LEAD” boys into MAN-HOODS ]…

The Motto:  On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

[Once upon a time]

The Boy Scouts of America have been around for some time. They’ve , ( They had.), been one of  the foundational institutions that were counted on to mold the youthful minds, and bodies of male youth as the progress of the civilization here in America, and around the WORLD, ‘needed the well rounding experiences to THINK and RESPOND to “any” situation presented them.

How, then, has the “leadership” come to the rationalization that they COULD DECIDE  WHAT “NATURE” made “DANGEROUS” to the youth the “leaders” were in charge of !?!   WHO TAUGHT these “men” the the EXAGGERATED importance(s) that would bring their decision to DESTROY TWENTY M-M-M-M-MILLION YEARS of ARCHITECTURAL “WHITTLING”. MATHEMATICAL CALCULITIC ARTISTRY. CHEMICAL “BETTY CROCKER(ING)” of EXTREME EXCELLENCE ! And, lastly , THE APPRECIATORY REVERENCES of WITNESSING the WORK of ‘ONE’ that DID ALL the WORK… WITHOUT ANYONE SEEING IT DONE.

The “men” that were chosen have brought the organization DEEPER to its “knees” than any other ‘problem’ encountered before. HOW can these THREE justify their act, or ACTIONS ? If they own businesses those should PAY for the VANDALISM  and RE-TEACHING of their troops, ( Which IS PROFOUND ENOUGH to warrant such training until the age of THIRTY.), against the thought that “an adult has the FREEDOM, ( “FREEDOM= being ABLE to do “something” AS ONE DESIREs / WITHOUT  CONSEQUENCES of said action, decision,), to do WHAT THEY DECIDE… WITHOUT CONSULTING A CONSCIENCE, or AUTHORITY . This IS the (GROWING) problem of SOCIETY, as we’re experiencing TODAY.

(AGAIN, a poem.)

you took the chance

and played at GOD

in front of children

who gave the nod

if at YOUR house

a vandal struck

why to the “pokey”

you’d have them stuck

the tender minds

that you have spoiled

won’t learn too much

’bout plan and TOILS

your explanation

smooth as silk

can’t save your crime

seems of your ilk

the multi-plied

of misguidings

no wonders why