Archive for August, 2010

An IMAM Is NOT David Bowie’s Wife !

August 24, 2010

A “HIGHER POWER”, this is what ‘that which created’ this place called the UNIVERSE IS, just THAT. Here, in these “United”States, there is a [Fahrenheit 451] mentality growing amongst the “Fox ENLIGHTENED” about how others practice their faiths. In [\’Yahoo\’ \”Answers\”] the second response to “How many types of Christianity in the U.S.” is rightly presented by the governmental tally of the I.R.S.. The “fight” over a simple [COMMUNITY CENTER] has had another match lit over a fool/fuel that has been consistently supplied by those that claim that they have done their research… BUT keep letting the neighborhood Dogs get to it.

For those that pride themselves in their worship of a Jewish man it is unacceptable to them to think that His [COUSINS] would like to live in the same neighborhood. YES, Issac and Ishmael were CLEARLY [BROTHERS] !

My confusion with ALL of this is that for ALL the ONLINE ‘KNOWLEDGE’ that IS available why do “WE” still believe what some paid TALKING HEAD reads from another picture screen ?

And just because some “guy” on a fancy riser tells us that we should hate every someone that looks like “the [DESCRIPTION]”, (Yes, that one-twentieth of a second high-deaf “PROOF” !?!), by that agency that lies for a career. Those same characters that “patriotically” ignore [ARTICLE 6] because a burning Bush told them to.

It’s a shame that Hannity isn’t BRAVE enough to discuss the new era of [THEOLOGICAL TRAINING] moving up his mountain. But, it IS HIS mountain, though any shrew can hop it.

Iman and David…

IMAM sans David

So, as you can see, there should be NO MORE CONFUSION.