… that’s called HELL

I MUST lead in by this avenue. I’ve written about the VARIOUS trials of being an individual with a “smidgen” of imagination, a lifetime of blessed for having a permanent tan and the CONTINUING ‘struggle’ of  residing within a “community” that considers its “type” of “dominance ” to warrant ANY style of historical abuse it CAN get away with.

Couple this to the above scenarios being reported TO the “highest” entity possible, seeking assistances to the ridding, or at least a recognition, warning and, LAW-FILLED recompence  DUE for the nefarious renderings. Living in a micro-geologically stunted zone of folk that participated in a few of the the American-Antebellum Atrocities of the mid(-to-‘continued’) through late TWENTIETH Century. Little Aluminum boxes arranged to give comradeship to folk that “are waiting”. Toss in ‘one’ younger adherent to ‘the old ways’ and, there IS that renewed zeal, familiar… only in need of an old, familiar target. I’ve seen some nice “Sugar-Bowls” in my travels. But, to have ” settled” amongst the “grand-ewe-awls” is making me fully aware of Emmitt’s last month.

I have been addressed as:

1.)Billie Thomas, who’s stage moniker was that of a dark-grain cereal.

2.) Arnold’s last two-quarters of his last name, with the substitution of a vowel.

3.) Associated in the fathering, (“Illegitimate, OF COURSE!), of a child that WOULD have been an ELEPHANT by way of the gestation period… WITH a 58 year old Woman related to the NEIGHBOR-HOOD gossip MONGER.

EVEN as THIS NATION has ALLOWED for one NOT as GEORGE BALANCHINE “requested” of the view of his Ballerinas… “ that a ballerina’s skin should be the color of a peeled apple”… to “lead” the underlying thoughts of wrong continue. And, do so EVEN WITH the test prez.

I wrote, probably for the last time, Our President. At the following of what was delivered is a “bit”, ( a tool for controlling a ruminid.), to the Hominids I live within the vicinity of.


SIR, I believe that I AM making the LAST request for assistance that YOU may HAVE a “HOPE” in. Your Daughters have GROWN into Womanhood, as I HAVE, (AS TOO MANY OTHERS.), been left to LANGUISH during my MOST PRODUCTIVE MENTAL time. Is there a wonder as to why the economy IS a sore polyp, without the padding of SOMETHING in the WALLET to “take the pressure off”?
The time is almost “up” and, you’ll leave to a nice sunset… while the rest of us /U.S. have THE PROMISES, without the FRUITIONS.
The letter “will” make a nice coaster, equal to the job of the subordinates “helping” you at this moment. The INACTION of the agencies that ARE to protect THE CITIZENRY have been shown to be as crass as the C.E.O.s of GM and TARGET. There is NO-ONE to PROTECT, let alone SERVE “for the COMMON GOOD. I asked for help and, got a “nice” ocher envelope with vague recognitions of DASTARDLY actions ‘perpe-traitored’ by those who hold THEIR rights as “higher” than those THAT SERVE for the GREATER GOOD.
As close as you tell the world of your “knowledge” of “embibements” you’ve lost the view somewhere from Pennsylvania Ave.
The world has NO NEED of a “PROTECTOR’S” blusters, that cannot save his own village.
Sincerely (QUITE!),
D’Ellis R. McCammon
(This is NOT how “the Irish” treat one another.) NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. As WE are seeing that “Hope” left for vacation six years ago.This note IS the saddest moment I have had to initialize in a very long time.I DON’T “expect” anything from this point on. 04/01/2014
this is an antagonym of the date.
Thank You!

Thank you for contacting the White House.

President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible Administration in history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the American people, through our website.


TO: The MONGERS of Scarlett Manor


the destination when have left shell

self designation KNOWN all too well

lost consecration by ego’s swell

hate’s coronation leaves lifetime smells

lies instigation false blames to tell

quote’s gestations so hard to quell

wrong’s appellation IS that your BELL

heat’s sequestration yes that’s called HELL

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