Archive for the ‘as before’ Category

… that’s called HELL

April 1, 2014

I MUST lead in by this avenue. I’ve written about the VARIOUS trials of being an individual with a “smidgen” of imagination, a lifetime of blessed for having a permanent tan and the CONTINUING ‘struggle’ of  residing within a “community” that considers its “type” of “dominance ” to warrant ANY style of historical abuse it CAN get away with.

Couple this to the above scenarios being reported TO the “highest” entity possible, seeking assistances to the ridding, or at least a recognition, warning and, LAW-FILLED recompence  DUE for the nefarious renderings. Living in a micro-geologically stunted zone of folk that participated in a few of the the American-Antebellum Atrocities of the mid(-to-‘continued’) through late TWENTIETH Century. Little Aluminum boxes arranged to give comradeship to folk that “are waiting”. Toss in ‘one’ younger adherent to ‘the old ways’ and, there IS that renewed zeal, familiar… only in need of an old, familiar target. I’ve seen some nice “Sugar-Bowls” in my travels. But, to have ” settled” amongst the “grand-ewe-awls” is making me fully aware of Emmitt’s last month.

I have been addressed as:

1.)Billie Thomas, who’s stage moniker was that of a dark-grain cereal.

2.) Arnold’s last two-quarters of his last name, with the substitution of a vowel.

3.) Associated in the fathering, (“Illegitimate, OF COURSE!), of a child that WOULD have been an ELEPHANT by way of the gestation period… WITH a 58 year old Woman related to the NEIGHBOR-HOOD gossip MONGER.

EVEN as THIS NATION has ALLOWED for one NOT as GEORGE BALANCHINE “requested” of the view of his Ballerinas… “ that a ballerina’s skin should be the color of a peeled apple”… to “lead” the underlying thoughts of wrong continue. And, do so EVEN WITH the test prez.

I wrote, probably for the last time, Our President. At the following of what was delivered is a “bit”, ( a tool for controlling a ruminid.), to the Hominids I live within the vicinity of.


SIR, I believe that I AM making the LAST request for assistance that YOU may HAVE a “HOPE” in. Your Daughters have GROWN into Womanhood, as I HAVE, (AS TOO MANY OTHERS.), been left to LANGUISH during my MOST PRODUCTIVE MENTAL time. Is there a wonder as to why the economy IS a sore polyp, without the padding of SOMETHING in the WALLET to “take the pressure off”?
The time is almost “up” and, you’ll leave to a nice sunset… while the rest of us /U.S. have THE PROMISES, without the FRUITIONS.
The letter “will” make a nice coaster, equal to the job of the subordinates “helping” you at this moment. The INACTION of the agencies that ARE to protect THE CITIZENRY have been shown to be as crass as the C.E.O.s of GM and TARGET. There is NO-ONE to PROTECT, let alone SERVE “for the COMMON GOOD. I asked for help and, got a “nice” ocher envelope with vague recognitions of DASTARDLY actions ‘perpe-traitored’ by those who hold THEIR rights as “higher” than those THAT SERVE for the GREATER GOOD.
As close as you tell the world of your “knowledge” of “embibements” you’ve lost the view somewhere from Pennsylvania Ave.
The world has NO NEED of a “PROTECTOR’S” blusters, that cannot save his own village.
Sincerely (QUITE!),
D’Ellis R. McCammon
(This is NOT how “the Irish” treat one another.) NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. As WE are seeing that “Hope” left for vacation six years ago.This note IS the saddest moment I have had to initialize in a very long time.I DON’T “expect” anything from this point on. 04/01/2014
this is an antagonym of the date.
Thank You!

Thank you for contacting the White House.

President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible Administration in history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the American people, through our website.


TO: The MONGERS of Scarlett Manor


the destination when have left shell

self designation KNOWN all too well

lost consecration by ego’s swell

hate’s coronation leaves lifetime smells

lies instigation false blames to tell

quote’s gestations so hard to quell

wrong’s appellation IS that your BELL

heat’s sequestration yes that’s called HELL


November 8, 2013

I’ve HAD to take the time to jot about the following “end-counter”. Written after I’d witnessed one of the most glorious prosal gives I’ve yet to react “TO”.  The blogger had read a post then “LIKED” it. I was intrigued by the name so, went to see “WHO” this was. The piece IS: “you’ll choose the ending tonight”, [ LUCA],  (GO SEE IT!), afterwards this is how I commented…” You REALLY have a way of making someone walk INTO a “HAYMAKER”! my triptych of thought… WOW!”…  Upon making sure that it passed moderation I noticed a comment that seemed off-kilter, made by a someone monikered “twdyen”. The response I made was THIS: “the SLOW are too busy sneaking “up” on themselves.”, whereupon “DEAR” TWDYEN ‘shot’ this group of PUFFERY…

“Let me just fast forward to the end of a possible discussion with you. Africa is the worst continent in the world. If an African American despises an Asian American or a Latin American on the basis of race, how are we supposed to call him? A delusional racist at best.”…

OOOOHHHH, “MMMMMMY”. Not bad for, almost noon(-ish). I JUST HAD to see the site of THIS ‘MENTALITY’ / *”EU”-PINION, ( * EU= French for Water, which things WEREN’T holding at the present.)

YES (!), Ladies and Gentlemen, I DID pick up my DELLED MONT BLANC and traipsed to [], the post:

The Problem With Chinese.

A GOOD article that explains the cultural CATCH-UP that so many of US that DON’T have the HISTORICAL PROVENANCES of THOUSANDS of YEARS. If sir TWDYEN had the forethought to have studied YO-YO MA’S SILK ROAD ORCHESTRA a lot of confusion(s) may have evaporated from his POSIT.

This is the return “volley”…

“sir Twdyen, I have an acquaintance that HAS a DEGREE in THREE “Official” dialects of CHINESE, He got HIS at a CHINESE University. His WIFE is a KOREAN Musician AND, if “need be”, I can contact one of the “Littlest Angels” of the Korean National Ballet group. DISTANCE IS USEFUL for ‘WE’ AFRICANS… SINCE they ARE SUCH CLOSER NEIGHBORS.

As TWDYEN will find, those that HAVE lived within the border called the WORLD, the textures and rapiers aren’t much different… A RAPIER only has ONE ‘POINT’.

The follow-“up”:
“I am not a nice girl that will clean up your ass. There’s no degree in Chinese dialects, just as there’s no degree in Black slang. And by calling them dialects you already are belittling them. I hope you are not going to make a lawyer’s job too easy. For most Chinese, it’s the written language that counts. For linguists, it’s the spoken language that counts. But, you have to know the difference to explain your usage of the term “dialect” in the correct context. Bye now.”
Lastly, if you too noticed TWDYEN IS a WOMAN. The inference of having a Lawyer’s job to made easy is funny… Since I’m CERTIFIED in SO MANY directions. For  TWDYEN to make such adieu about…
I wonder if there’s anyone out there that can /WOULD correct either of us?
Addend-dumb: Playing with a SUPERIOR opponent is most fun when the the “FIELD” is changed to a POOL.
DEAR TWDYEN, in the NEOLOGISTICAL world living around US this is the response to your citing that “there’s no degree in BLACK slang”…
If a “PICTURE” IS worth a THOUSAND WORDS, You’ll NEVER get to the end of this dissertation.

Fifty Years Later…

August 31, 2013

The NATIONAL recognition of Martin Luther King’s “I HAVE A DREAM” speech, through another march on Washington, could NOT have had better timing for the NEED of RACIAL TOLERANCE and ERADICATION EDUCATION. Just as AMERICA, AND the WORLD have come within a deca-gram of tipping itself into TOTAL OBTUSENESS the American registered business, DUNKIN’ DONUTS has failed to pay enough attention to its THAILAND affiliate…


Image    … The saddest part of the “mis-understanding, -education, is that the U.S. “management” team responsible for “CONTENT” policing failed so thoroughly that their Thai franchisee ‘PROPERLY’ placed the time period of HAIR-STYLE, and what the “black” -fit-into- America business progrom HAD sought until the 1964 law’s passing.

Do ANY of YOU really believe that the THAI “had NO idea” of what they were doing!?!

Here They Go Again

December 12, 2011

It has now gotten to be ridiculous since “they” were caught,
RED HANDED the four year restructuring of “HOW” IS in place through the BOEHNER “machine”… And all its “tiny” tendrills.In 2008 Fox’s Greta Van Susteren uncovered a group called “VOTE From Home”, ( … “And he said that they are looking into the intent. All of these members of vote from home, there were 13 registered at an address in Franklin County. They’ve all registered in Ohio. Four have voted already.
So they are looking at the intent, because if they knowingly voted in Ohio realizing that they were not legal citizens of Ohio, then it’s a criminal charge. But if they just misinterpreted the rules and cast their ballots here, then they might have to throw out those ballots.”)

It’s going to be a “cakewalk” for those that WILL RIG the outcome of this Nation’s ELECTIONS, if only for the reason that THEY HAVE paraded enough Clowns in front of the VOTING public that the, (less than), ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DEBATE TEAM presentative research has overwhelmed said VOTERS with even greater stretchings of policies, rules and TRUTH.
Isn’t it TIME that the ALL AMERICAN VOTER learns the difference between , (,” One may conceptualize fools in two camps: those of the NATURAL FOOL type and those of the LICENSED FOOL type. Whereas the natural fool was seen as innately nit-witted, moronic, or mad, the licensed fool was given leeway by permission of the court. In other words, both were excused, to some extent, for their behavior, the first because he “couldn’t help it,” and the second by decree.”, within the early part of ‘adulthood’?

December 27,2011 Des Moines, Iowa

Alabama’s Immigration Law: New SCARS and Bars

October 23, 2011

It’s been quite some time since Robert E. Lee handed his sword to U.S. Grant at Appomattox, and a whole lot shorter since [WENDELL HUDSON] became the first “NIGRAUH”, (George Wallace/ Strom Thurmond pronunciation.), to “openly” put on the uniform of the University of Alabama. After the bus rides and the lynchings… after the forty-some-odd-years since southern born and bred Lyndon B. Johnson wrote HIS name to the document that claimed [ENOUGH!!!] it WILL be viewed, in the years to “follow”, that the [WHETHER] became unbearable for those from even [FURTHER SOUTH]. As [MARGARET CHO] observed… ” It ain’t the heat and humidity, it’s the HATE and STUPIDITY”.
It’s ironic that the “sheet-music” being played recently is being done by those that have received so much instruction from those that “were” in the same position as the “newer” dark- skinned folk.
If the “Chicano” youth that were being BULLIED for winning a BASKETBALL GAME were to go to school in another “State”, (Of MIND.), and play on the team that beats Alabama in a future national championship title game, would that be called JUSTICE… instead of the legislative “JUST US” ? The [SCRIPT] was written not too long ago.

PHORD’S Puffery

September 17, 2011

The tan-man-of-“Yes-WE-Can” is suffering from the aroma left by his predecessor but, enhanced by HIS [HOUSE-MATES\'] bad [\"DIETARY\"] habits. And, the strength of their diets is changing the menus of those who’d been the [\"WHITE BREAD\"] of ‘Wall Street’.
So, now we are on an intercept journey with a man working to steer his career away from a political [WHITEWASHING] of “failure”.
One such assistant to the slander of the [\"SMOKED][IRISHMAN\"] is none other than [FORD MOTOR COMPANY], who indeed [\"DIDN\'T\"] receive “BAILOUT” fundings but DID [EXPOSE] any stock-holder trying to get a “Leg-UP”…
… on an “exciteable” economy.
With the new line-up of of Cars AND Candidates arriving for 2012 “PHORD’S” Palinistic [PUFFERY],(FTC definition.) Precludes their on air, Carnival [BARKER] blather.
The biggest problem of telling the world an “elastic” truth is that it only stretches so far. And, can be fun to witness first hand…

Barack and Donald Are Working Together

April 27, 2011

This is so very sad. This Nation has been bamboozled for the last FORTY YEARS by the BANKING INDUSTRY, The MORTGAGE INDUSTRY, lately, The Industry of On-line GAMES that ask YOU for MORE MONEY to play another IDIOT that you CAN’T SEE.
I sincerely believe that the ONLY conspiracy that is working is that of the NAACP, Black Panthers, (Originals), the “unknown Blackstone Rangers,(of CHICAGO !),who have let the non- African based population “BETTER-THAN-YOU” themselves into the VERY situation that they’ve scoffed at. Now “THEY” have no HOMES, NO MONEY, NO JOBS… and NO-ONE to HELP, (Or SYMPATHIZE “with”.). them through this situation. And, worst of all NOW THEY are the “TARGET” of distrust. On a broader scale than just… Simply by having a LACK of melanin, skinny noses and a peculiar accent when addressing someone. ( That TONE of DISDAIN really gives away the fact.)
Please, don’t think that this is an attempt to LURE/ BAIT those that listen to any AND EVERY UNTRUTH of how those that sit in the CON-gress and Senate are looking out for YOUR best interest. (Notice that there WAS NO “S”.)Most of the world knows the difference between each other, so they COUNT YOUR TAX DOLLARS that the folks in Washington send them. And when they feel that they need more they send us their version of “WEHRMACT” and create another “installment” request.
AND, DON’T forget that fee WE pay at the GAS PUMP! It won’t be too soon before folks will be trading for a gallon by performing a feat from a ‘COPS’ “VICE” marathon.
It’s easy for folks like Donald Trump to incite those that THINK they’re “LIKE” him. YOU’RE NOT. Hopefully, you like those of this nation, and WANT to see ALL of IT doing well. But, the President HASN’T CHANGED much. In fact he’s gotten US/ U.S. ensconced much deeper into “PISSING the OTHER ‘BROWN’ folk off than his predecessor.
DONALD and BARACK have just taken YOUR EYES off the REAL “SITUATIONS”.
As have ALL the “little people” that work with and for them.

The Making OF the Lawn Jockey: Part ONE

March 8, 2011



As we are now into the “last”, ( 24 or 72 ?), few months of the first, OBVIOUSLY, non- ‘European’ looking President of this nation. The month of February will hold so much more/ “MOOR” history than what we were lead to “believe”.

 It’s  going to take a lot of “kindling”, ( As in the electronic readers vying to replace Papyrus. ), for the country’s future education/ HISTORY departments to tell our “great”, (plus !), grandchildren the who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, why’s. AND a truth-full HOW of the son of Pineapples and Mambas’ really accomplished “something” during his tenure.


The first step will be to STOP the TEXAS ‘BORED AUF EDUCATION’ from making “GEE-DU(M)B” seem greater than the man who’s graced so many types of our currency. That would be the man that President Obama’s predecessor was named for… George Washington.


If I were to pen an introductory “lesson” of how certain races lose their HISTORY I would start with the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware River to fight the British troops during our ‘War FOR INDEPENDENCE’. I’d make a point of having students take notice of the DIFFERENT types of soldiers who’d placed their LIVES with the General on that ABSOLUTELY cold morning. And then I’d show them the simple lawn “ornament” that most descendants of slaves DON’T recognize for its IMPORTANCE. Then, I would encourage them to REALLY start asking questions about this NATION’S heroes.


After they’ve bombarded their Teacher I’d have them send a letter to the President, asking him to make a special exception for giving out a MEDAL OF HONOR to the youngest recipient in U.S. ‘MILITARY’ history for JOQUE GRAVES. I’d then request that the Honor ceremony take place at the RIPLEY, OHIO, location of the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD MUSEUM. To honor this MONTH of “dusting off” the “hidden” contributions and weave the significances together as a SIGNPOST to mark where the STONE SOUP of FREEDOM can be RE-TASTED, ladled from the MELTING POT that IS this nation named  THE UNITED States OF America.

I received a comment from a young “OPINIONIST” by the name of ‘JONOLAN’ for the companion post of this subject. This was written BEFORE the Joque Graves article. This answers many “opinions” of what OUR history may ACTUALLY CONTAIN. Remember that “history” is, more often than not, WRITTEN BY the “WINNERS”. A battle won IS NOT the ENTIRE WAR.

The Sign Ahead

November 3, 2010

Well, there you have it, the promise of “CHANGE” has finally been recognized and [\”IMPLIMENTED\”]. But, NOT by the smooth voiced son of [KENDU BAY, HAWAII]. The change seems to have been engaged at Griffin’s Wharf, dug through layers of apatholitical, ( apathy and apolitical combined. ), sediment collected from the dander produced by wool gathered since the “Nixonian Age”. The progressive [“CONFUSION“] started early, only to continue through today.

There were so many that had thought the Tan Kansan could meld the nation, as his parents had for him. But, the “spices” of Great/Victoria Lakes confused the palette of the [PAYING], (and “CAN’T PAY”.) customer as the Splediferous Statesman from Jean Baptiste Point du Sable’s settlement wouldn’t tell his FRIENDS what he wanted to really do.

I have to wonder if the young Barack ever has read the [FIRST TOME] of another Basketball playing Politician, who also went to an “Eastern” [SCHOOL]? ( The introduction’s description of Bradley holding eye contact while making baskets with his back TO the goal makes for the TITLE.) Or, has he, (Or any of the White House staff.), spent any time equating the plight of the LOST [MIDDLE CLASS] and the history found at the [SCHOMBURG LIBRARY] ? Slaves weren’t ONLY “BLACK”, as MANY are learning TODAY.

With only two(?) more years to finish on HIS promise of “CHANGE” we are finding out that our vote does “count” but, only in tabulation. And NOT by the weight assayed in [TROY]… [MICHIGAN], or [GREECE].

The “grandiosity” of the words that were written here are from an uneducated person. But, even uneducated, knows enough to have spoken out. To have ATTEMPTED, almost, anything to avoid this slime that’s prevented a nation to regain a semblance of TRACTION, of what the “PEOPLE” are asking for. ( Not the media or “think” tanks.) Just in order to LIVE within the rights and promises spoken of by those we’d assumed had ‘OUR’ best interests at the beginning of this journey that WE call CITIZENSHIP. Or, is it that YOU’VE forgotten that WE are NOT a 3.79 square mile [TURNIP] patch. THAT is an IDIOM,as WE are NOT IDIOTS.

But, then again, [DAVID BROOKS]may have a better response to the ensuing events of this election. And, I’m writing this as the kid with the balloon with a hole in it.

How to Lose Friends and Influence “Evil”

October 29, 2010

Just WHAT does one have to do to get the Democratic party to ATTEMPT to get it correct ? In THIS election, and all afterward.

I have been, quite, loyal to the political group that displays the resilient, hard-working mammal as their mascot for close to FORTY years this coming election. When 18 year olds got to vote I WAS right there. From the McGovern campaign through the current administration, I have missed only TWO occasions to express my RIGHT via Constitutional Amendment 15, and the civil rights “ACT”. In other words, these folk have had access to the correct spelling of WHO / HOW I AM !

But, as of these last few months HAVE managed to send me post after post of over-used campaign “bedding”, ( See: stall cleaning.), with “someone else’s” name attached. I’ve TRIED to get this rectified but, the more I try to explain the MORE OBTUSE “they” get.

On Thursday October 28,2010 I called and spoke to the FRANKLIN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY Headquarters, to a young woman who had NO CLUE of the political histories of WHAT this election is truly about. And how even ONE vote miscast might tip the scale of the FUTURE. After becoming THOUROUGHLY flummoxed by her lack of understanding I asked to speak to someone that had a grasp of what I was trying to explain. ( I KNOW that these people are PAID to sit at these phones, and, most likely, are doing so to pad their COLLEGE resume’ !)

Friday Morning, (October 29,2010),I receive a call from a woman with the last name of TRAVIS and TRY to explain my discomfort with her asking for “Ellis”… the other woman had asked for the CORRECT SPELLING of my name, “so there WON’T be ANOTHER mistake… I DID correct her, then went on to clarify that my chance to vote by PROVISION had been botched by the ineptness of Party records “keeping”, at the very start. As the conversation continued to degrade because Ms. TRAVIS kept regressing to tell me that I should call my new County Board of Elections… As I kept saying that it HAD been RESOLVED. After ten MORE minutes of this “FAIL” ALL the reasons of WHY the Democratic party has stopped being the party ” OF,BY,FOR” congealed from this one interaction. I told her how her misunderstanding and regressions had begun to upset my ability to GET the POINT ACROSS to her, wherefore she said that she would signoff the contact to not upset me further.

FIRST and FOREMOST. I AM a PERSON OF “COLOR”/ African-AMERICAN, and LISTEN to whom I’m speaking to. I am very sure that Ms. TRAVIS is/ was of African descent ALSO. And, with that said I CANNOT forgive the attitude that “SHAN-EE-QUAED” over my handset. I know that this may be wrong but, this IS what transpired. Here’s a WOMAN who has the responsibility of HOW HER PARTY’S strength can be given a better foundation… And WOULDN’T!

I’ve said ALL this to come to this point. From the time that I began writing a “blog” it has been to address the IDIOSIES that I’ve witnessed, and to help “CHANGE” them. As of TODAY I have lost that hope and decided to vote for ONLY ONE candidate on the November SECOND BALLOT, Mary JO KILROY. SHE has PROVED to be the ONLY legislator , (Besides SHERROD BROWN.), to ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION to HER constituency !

I can’t tell YOU who to vote FOR but, I CAN tell you why I feel that those things that have/ had been important to me are as important as keeping the DOG that MAULED YOUR ONLY child… No matter how often it wags its tail you KNOW that it betrayed YOUR TRUST.

Now, after someone that may read this sends it to another party member I DO hope that instead of taking THEIR anger out on these Women that they should see to a complete overhaul of the party. It can only be done from the ROOF to the FOUNDATION.

My ONLY question, to the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL PARTY is this…


Just so YOU KNOW who is sending the WORLD this type of thought… my NAME is spelled D’Ellis R. McCammon. Let’s see if you can get IT Correct THIS TIME !

P.S. Since this nation IS getting an influx of people who DON’T wish to ANGLICISE their name, how DO you prepare your database to WELCOME and KEEP them within the fold? THIS SUPER TUESDAY… I’m HAVING the SOUP ! (And NOT the one YOU”RE IN.)