Post Plymouth

July 29, 2014



I have wonder at the historical… ( HYSTERICAL)… education that HAS ELUDED those that call themselves worthy to hold a position of responsibility. Does the above mentioned “keeper” of the “LAW” have ANY notion of the 394 year old snigger emanating from the bones of those that landed at Plymouth Rock!?! Those that ‘HAD’ the trust-in-God to leave the persecutions of those that LOOKED JUST LIKE “THEM”, to travel to an ‘unknown’ land and be “greeted”, ( TOLERATED… for the curiosity.), by someone that had NO REASON to allow these very strange speaking, acting… DRESSED(!) PEOPLE to be PART of the WORLD that they KNEW. Does this person celebrate THANKSGIVING? If he does doesn’t he have ANY notion of WHY? AND, IF he has an infinitesimal spark to such can’t he relate HIS dilemma to the aftermath generated after the Native folk HELPED the STARVING fair-skinned folk?

Such IS the way AMERICA has BECOME. Descendants of people that WERE KICKED OUT from EVERY DECENT COUNTRY in EUROPE have now the AUDACITY to make claims of the VERY CRIMES THEY know were committed by their fore-fathers and mothers. These would have a tougher time reciting the first lines of EMMA LAZARUS’ welcome that resides with the base for “the Lady in the Bay” than to cuss someone out in any of the dialects from Chihuahua, or Oaxaca… as it was delivered by Beau , or Luke. Funnier yet is the FACT that the city of MONROE, OHIO… BUTLER COUNTY … is getting prepared to open a new HONDA automobile plant within the Sherriff’s domain.OHIO isn’t just the fiftieth State of the Union, ( The ratification of OHIO’s being a LEGAL STATE of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA was MISSED long enough that ALASKA got legal BEFORE OHIO. Taking it from the SEVENTEENTH position.), it’s ALSO a FORMAL GREETING in NIPPONESE! (I wonder if the Sherriff prefers SUSHI over TACOS?). The best part of this IS that Sherriff Jones presents the same hairline as the one in Hazzard County.

Y’All chew on that while most of American kids are trying to get their parents to request that they be allowed to do their homework assignment’s texts AS “TEXTS”… that way they can just phone it to the teacher / Professor.


June 23, 2014

The ‘title’ could have been “AZURE Liked IT” but, the (hopeful) openness of posting something that an OLDER ADULT would “comprehend” changed it. As time has placed its many “rings” around the eyes I’ve had the constant ‘PAN-ISH’ “insta-urge” toward Females become more of an appreciation of what they represent, rather than what they may “feel” like. The passage of  ‘attempted parenthood’ and coming to notice that most are just pretty containers of my own genetically matched poison. Thus the truer title…


The strength

of Passion’s memory

the vagueness

of each “cause”

the “pride’

of its ‘durations’

be it tears

or gasp’s applause


‘Tis youth

that seeks to “conquer”

the gates of ‘damp’ success

in “AGE”

the zeal’s gone hunkered

athletics gone duress


But replay

brings back “feeling”

to parts

thought “gone to seed”

the mind

wants parts past willing

the parts

remind “NO NEED”

… and distance

June 8, 2014

There are causes to “reasons” for the “actions we choose to, or not “to”. This is about THAT. When it’s involving a someone that has piqued “the fancy” it tends to “be” a ‘dangerous’, at the least UNWISE, decision in this day and, of (my) age.  “Functions” are well “practiced”, at the least I know what finger goes to the ear that is itching. As for responding to emotion… THAT is a LOST un-“perfected” ABILITY.

So, here I sit at the keyboard, telling an unknown someone of this confusion that has made me try to organize its telling. It may be an interest, in that you’ve stumbled across the categorical header of placement.

Here below is an emotional crux that HAD to be distributed. The best hope is that even if the causant recognizes their “place” the hope is that they slough it off to their musational abilities.


I thought that I was
too old for this
a comment
to simple words
written in the moment
of recognition’s haste

“hello” to you
you’ve a mind that creates
spaced and driven
by others’ being near you
I haven’t such luxury

thank goodness for distance
because I’m best taken
“through” my words
presense may have you running
away from the Ogre
that ‘was’ ME

it’s funny of how the ending
of another story
of ‘Beauty’ transforming her muse
I do believe that I can
and WILL avoid such
by appreciating her
words and distance

… all day

May 23, 2014

My Thumb’s so “green” it’s ‘BLACK’! If you’ve ever picked a LOT of Tomatoes you’d KNOW the “joke” IS REAL. I try to grow my OWN VEGETA-VITTLES because I KNOW where the “nutrients” come from. WHO picked them. And,  HOW they were treated when they were ‘stored’ for later consumption. There’s TOO MUCH going on by the “food” production companies for me to trust
the “WHAT” of what’s going INSIDE my body to someone that enlists SCIENTISTS to rearrange the molecules of a simple fruit or vegetable.





oh give me a home where the Beef-alo roam
and Listeria isn’t on plates
where sell-dom’s not verb and the ants aren’t in herds
and no fear of a Cantaloupe or Date

foam foam I’m engaged
where bowl and the seat find no play
where some call it GERD
that’s the wrong end of heard
and the air isn’t cloudy ALL DAY


And, just THNQ/ “THINK”, there’s word that because of the burgeoning population versus ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ that “DESIGNER MEATS” are being readied for a restaurant “NEAR” YOU!


… value TOSSED

May 3, 2014






I attempt to “write” with MORE within a word, or phrase, than what most folk allow themselves “time” to register the options for. That isn’t a good for a lot of  “readers” since the “No-Child-left-behind” has made the nuance of words’  ‘hedronal’  values not important. (SAT ruling)

The “GUB-MINT” has been rendered to the value of a TWENTY-FIVE Cent “WHORE”, without the “HUSTLE” to make “ALL’S ” ENDS MEET. And, the those that ARE “PIMPIN'” their “elected(s)”, (PLUS YOURS!), are running “AH-MER-KUH” as youthful Simone Legree’s. All while the “Leader” looks “like” but, enacts ‘like’. A SHAME, when it’s a photo-op he’s there. Have YOU heard anything about HOW HIS favorite sport is being run?


so near the end B. Hussein ‘dear’ friend
the trap you KNEW IS springing all around
supreme court says Penn’s Bell’s FOR SALE
the whistles blown IGNORED as if NO SOUND

hopes have been kept GATED
with signs that call for “JUST-US”
hate’s BEEN not re-instigated
ignoring strength filled LADY of THAT BUS

worse is how elected don’t recognize REAL FOLK
ones that trudged for HOURS making SURE to VOTE
and yet your CORPORATE BUDDIES plantationary rules
pay LAWYERS very cuddly to portray the “RIGHTS” as FOOLS’

“we’ve” written to YOU OFTEN receiving groundless “BITES”
when agents FINALLY “answer” issues they HOPE are lost
so as this term is winding our trials have no time framed
like penny’s demise the CHANGE its value TOSSED

… your tail IS DONE

April 26, 2014




( *


POLITICS: (… “meaning “of, for, or relating to citizens”) is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level.”

POLY-TICKS: (“Omegetymon”)…

Poly= MANY/ (

TICK: a.) ( B.) (

SEE.) A ‘GROUP’ of AMBUSH “hunting”, DISEASE transmitting Insects that are selected every TWO , or FOUR, Years to render “good JUDGEMENTS” for the CITIZENRY that they REPRESENT. ( Not to REPREHEND.)

As we are getting more “business” types into the TWO houses of representation the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on FINANCING,,

IS looking like a “FRATERNAL” FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY. All “they” have to do is “show” their district’s SHEEP’S SKINS. And, the path ahead is “looking” like there’s going to be A LOT of SNAKE OIL to be distributed NATIONWIDE.

And, here’s a GREAT IDEA:





the story starts so easy
the innocence sincere
but most folk didn’t gander
great handshake leading lear

like hiding under ‘bridges’
have Snow White as her “prince”
though HOW you got to where you are
is making colleagues wince

’tis time for new selections
of who makes rules where from
once “upright” reversed reflection
brother Grimm your tail IS DONE


April 17, 2014





The above IS “heady” stuff when YOU THINK about the TIME distance from the ORIGINATOR-to-IMPLIMENTATION(S). I “say” this to lead into an observation that may, or may not, give some insight to “HOW” I register this WORLD… past, present… FUTURE.


The image is of the Television villain called a “CYLON”, from BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA, that showed through the 1980’s. NOTICE the sharp features, especially the “mandibular” ‘grille-work’…

"Godzilla" transmogrifies into ...

“Godzilla” transmogrifies into …

As we’ve “progressed” in our ‘tech-GNAW-LO-GEE’ the basis for many things “WE” marvel at ARE simply IDEAS that were TOO FAR AHEAD of the “CROWD”.+

It has to be frustrating that a “WHAT”  gets “BORN” too long AFTER the “parent” has moved to “ANOTHER DIMENSION“. Leaving the intricacies and, NUANCES of the CLEARER VISION to those with incomplete way-points of building materials.

To the crux of “THE WINK”.

Much has been said of the value of TOYOTA vehicles through their years of manufacturing Cars and, Trucks in these Lower FORTY-EIGHT. ( I WISH that ONE of the makers would get the ORBS to produce an “S-10” type of hyper- mileaged “SPOH-AUT  HOW-LAH” with enough bed to rest a lawn mower, or groceries. Something that is a cross between a BUGATTI  ATLANTIQUE’ and a MINI-COOPER “CLUBMAN”.) Where the “roof” melds into an ‘old-school’ side opening TONNEAU cover. (*Or, BETTER YET, a PORSCHE 914, with the engine mounted under the bed!)  Like the hood of a 1938 type vintage. Their cars have gone from “dictated TOO”… to “having their own style” of panache.



Thirty years from the Nipponese, Sci-Fi artists board the new Toyota CAMRY grabs a lot of COOL-ing for a very efficient powerplant and, train.

Now, IF they would ONLY transmute the FORM to MORE FUNCTIONALS!


Gettin' groceries by AUTOBAUN!

Gettin’ groceries by AUTOBAUN!

See what “THEY” meant!

+AND, to give thanks to AUTOMATTIC for their word spacing to resemble Captain KIRK.

… that’s called HELL

April 1, 2014

I MUST lead in by this avenue. I’ve written about the VARIOUS trials of being an individual with a “smidgen” of imagination, a lifetime of blessed for having a permanent tan and the CONTINUING ‘struggle’ of  residing within a “community” that considers its “type” of “dominance ” to warrant ANY style of historical abuse it CAN get away with.

Couple this to the above scenarios being reported TO the “highest” entity possible, seeking assistances to the ridding, or at least a recognition, warning and, LAW-FILLED recompence  DUE for the nefarious renderings. Living in a micro-geologically stunted zone of folk that participated in a few of the the American-Antebellum Atrocities of the mid(-to-‘continued’) through late TWENTIETH Century. Little Aluminum boxes arranged to give comradeship to folk that “are waiting”. Toss in ‘one’ younger adherent to ‘the old ways’ and, there IS that renewed zeal, familiar… only in need of an old, familiar target. I’ve seen some nice “Sugar-Bowls” in my travels. But, to have ” settled” amongst the “grand-ewe-awls” is making me fully aware of Emmitt’s last month.

I have been addressed as:

1.)Billie Thomas, who’s stage moniker was that of a dark-grain cereal.

2.) Arnold’s last two-quarters of his last name, with the substitution of a vowel.

3.) Associated in the fathering, (“Illegitimate, OF COURSE!), of a child that WOULD have been an ELEPHANT by way of the gestation period… WITH a 58 year old Woman related to the NEIGHBOR-HOOD gossip MONGER.

EVEN as THIS NATION has ALLOWED for one NOT as GEORGE BALANCHINE “requested” of the view of his Ballerinas… “ that a ballerina’s skin should be the color of a peeled apple”… to “lead” the underlying thoughts of wrong continue. And, do so EVEN WITH the test prez.

I wrote, probably for the last time, Our President. At the following of what was delivered is a “bit”, ( a tool for controlling a ruminid.), to the Hominids I live within the vicinity of.


SIR, I believe that I AM making the LAST request for assistance that YOU may HAVE a “HOPE” in. Your Daughters have GROWN into Womanhood, as I HAVE, (AS TOO MANY OTHERS.), been left to LANGUISH during my MOST PRODUCTIVE MENTAL time. Is there a wonder as to why the economy IS a sore polyp, without the padding of SOMETHING in the WALLET to “take the pressure off”?
The time is almost “up” and, you’ll leave to a nice sunset… while the rest of us /U.S. have THE PROMISES, without the FRUITIONS.
The letter “will” make a nice coaster, equal to the job of the subordinates “helping” you at this moment. The INACTION of the agencies that ARE to protect THE CITIZENRY have been shown to be as crass as the C.E.O.s of GM and TARGET. There is NO-ONE to PROTECT, let alone SERVE “for the COMMON GOOD. I asked for help and, got a “nice” ocher envelope with vague recognitions of DASTARDLY actions ‘perpe-traitored’ by those who hold THEIR rights as “higher” than those THAT SERVE for the GREATER GOOD.
As close as you tell the world of your “knowledge” of “embibements” you’ve lost the view somewhere from Pennsylvania Ave.
The world has NO NEED of a “PROTECTOR’S” blusters, that cannot save his own village.
Sincerely (QUITE!),
D’Ellis R. McCammon
(This is NOT how “the Irish” treat one another.) NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. As WE are seeing that “Hope” left for vacation six years ago.This note IS the saddest moment I have had to initialize in a very long time.I DON’T “expect” anything from this point on. 04/01/2014
this is an antagonym of the date.
Thank You!

Thank you for contacting the White House.

President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible Administration in history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the American people, through our website.


TO: The MONGERS of Scarlett Manor


the destination when have left shell

self designation KNOWN all too well

lost consecration by ego’s swell

hate’s coronation leaves lifetime smells

lies instigation false blames to tell

quote’s gestations so hard to quell

wrong’s appellation IS that your BELL

heat’s sequestration yes that’s called HELL

Who’s been writing ?..מְנֵא

March 19, 2014




The Jewish Diaspora is said to have begun @ 70 a.d.. It has been ” just” as long after the HOLOCAUST. After ALL the insanity, (ies!),  of surviving from 1948 to the present the U.S. HAS made CLEAR that IT IS  the FRIEND of  ISRAEL. If, for ANY “other’ reason  than to tell ‘GOD’ that ‘as a Christian-based Nation’, it DID “try”. What can be said of one that “holds” the responsibilities of protecting “ZION” when they expound disrespects to the Leader of their harbinger of “New” Homeland? And, coordinating such with the leader of “Magog” ,


and, HIS Sabre-“dance” of late. The wars, and rumors of wars, are always the next “date” on the calender in this “life”. Why would anyone help dispel such? Or, delete the word RUMOR!?!


we know that ‘God’ is ‘on your side’
not if ain’t told us so
but when there’s need of friendliness
good THOUGHT can make it grow

the mouse that roars is tough indeed
though NOT in room of cats
to not provide one’s butt secured
is prayer and sense in slack

diasporas should carve the want
of neighborhood sublime
friends that travel for “just in case”
won’t stand for called of swine

to puff for self is mighty poor
when circled by one’s kin
better measures keep in store
so no next might have been

… walk away from its dumb ass

March 4, 2014

It’s been a devastating couple weeks. Employment is, momentarily, nil. BILLS have been due. And, the O.C.P.D. is screaming for me to “take away the pain”.

But, I CAN’T. THAT would make things WORSE. I KNOW without a meeting. (THIS IS my “MEETING”, for the moment.) The “market’ is picking those that enjoy being marginalized, ( I’ve taken my neighbor to work where I HAD been… showed up everyday, OVERDID the tasks. When the Woman that works her department IS absent two of five days a week.). I find this “difficult” as the “person’ that facilitated my, “AT-WILL”, dismissal WAS to understand the same the very NEXT DAY. The temporary “service” that IS making HALF the “appointee’s” salary has a focus on this company, as they are NOT making good choices of “end-chain”, and are “Hamster Caging” new enrollees.  It’s tough out here when the jobs are too simple but, vested hold enmity to the “worker”. This “may” be “why” the business acumen has been clouded of late. Those that THINK are “suspect”. The world wants tweeters, not “world beaters”.

So, the past snorts from an unwanted slumber. And, it tries to become the sultress that fooled “you” when the adrenals overpowered “COMMON SENSE”. Not today…

IT looks just like this.

IT looks just like this.


yes I’ve relapsed
a time or three
this pain filled truth
hope’s exit fee

the fall to urge
the taste the touch
just one too many
one mores too much

the “girls’ that they provide for show
most anything the trade for go
inbibe the trance for circumstance
pay well enough they’ll kiss a lance
but these digressions all askance
don’t pay the bills nope not a chance

next time relapse calls me to task
I’ll leave it empty “I THINK I’ll PASS
and when it smiles behind death’s mask
I’ll walk away from its dumb ass